Canavan Associates strives to inform our clients of best practices in the field.
Below is a sampling of our recent publications and presentations.
COVID-19 Homeless System Response: Vaccine Planning and Distribution
HUD COVID-19 Team, including Canavan Associates (2020-2021)
A series of resources and products developed by HUD technical assistance providers in partnership with federal partners and subject matter experts. These materials were designed to assist Continuums of Care (CoCs) in their COVID-19 vaccine planning and distribution.
COVID-19 Homeless System Response: Winter Planning Resources
HUD COVID-19 Team, including Canavan Associates (2020)
A series of resources published in 2020 intended to assist Continuums of Care (CoCs) in implementing safe and effective approaches to winter shelter planning during COVID-19.
June Gin, Cheryl Levin, David Canavan, Aram Dobalian (2020)
Published in the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, this report describes the development of the Disaster Preparedness to Promote Community Resilience toolkit, which identifies resources to help communities address the disaster needs of homeless populations.
City of Santa Monica Human Services Division Recommendations for an Outcomes Measurement System
Canavan Associates (2018)
Recommendation report for the City of Santa Monica’s Human Services Division (HSD) to design and build an outcome measurement system for HSD projects.
Appendix F: Transition to Alternate Sheltering and Housing Solutions Considerations
National Mass Care Strategy (2018)
The document outlines a locally-led, multi-agency approach to disaster shelter transition.
Ashley Bordas, David Canavan, Amy McPherson, HUD (2018)
A guide to assist Continua of Care (CoCs) in understanding the Unified Funding Agency (UFA) designation that was established by the McKinney-Vento Act.
Disaster Preparedness to Promote Community Resilience: Toolkit and Appendices
VA, HHS, HUD, Canavan Associates (2017)
This toolkit offers resources and guidance to help emergency and public health officials, homeless service providers, and health care providers connect and plan for the disaster needs of people experiencing homelessness in their communities.
Canavan Associates and Cloudburst Consulting Group (2016)
Report and recommendations on working with individuals or households experiencing homelessness in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.
Equal Access for Transgender People
Canavan Associates (2016)
Report, recommendations, and materials in compliance with the 2012 Equal Access and 2016 Gender Identity Rules for supporting LGBT inclusive housing and shelters.
Integrating Homeless Service Providers and Clients in Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery
Canavan Associates, Sabrina Edgington (NHCH), Sondra Fogel and Robin Ersing (University of South Florida) (2014)
Issue brief outlining disaster preparedness efforts and recommendations for improving disaster assistance for people experiencing homelessness.
Canavan Associates, Darlene Matthews (2014)
A guide on the implementation of a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) in Calgary.
Directory of Disaster Response and Recovery Resources
David Canavan, Fran Ledger, Alisa West Cahill, Kelley Sigovich (2009)
Directory to provide resources and information to Continuums of Care (CoCs) for disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.
City of Santa Monica Human Services Project Community Engagement Summary
Canavan Associates, City of Santa Monica HSD (2019)
Town hall presentation by David Canavan to update Santa Monica residents regarding HSD's Outcome Measurement System (OMS) project, provide context, report back on community engagement, and present the intended next steps.
Equal Access and Gender Identity Rules Training
David Canavan, Abby Miller (2016)
HUD webinar training intended to educate Continuum of Care (CoC) providers, Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) recipients, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) grantees about the requirements of the Equal Access Rule and Gender Identity Rule.
HUD: National Program with Housing Solutions
David Canavan (2016)
Presented at the 2016 20th Annual National Tuberculosis Controllers Association Conference, the presentation provides information regarding HUD’s homeless programs, coordinated entry, addressing TB with CoC/ESG funds, and using HMIS.
HMIS 101: Introduction to the World of HMIS
Fran Ledger, Canavan Associates (2010)
Presented at the April 2010 NHSDC Conference, the presentation is intended for new CoC and HMIS staff and provides a primer on the key fundamentals of a functional HMIS.​
Disaster Response and Recovery
Alisa West Cahill, M.S.W., Canavan Associates (2009)
Presented at the October 2009 NHSDC Conference, the presentation provides information and resources regarding disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. Special focus is given to the Directory of Disaster Response and Recovery, the national response sequence, and the disaster assistance sequence.